On the Bookshelf

Now Reading:
  • VJB - Don't Let Death Ruin Your Life - Jill Brooke
  • VJB - Desiring God - John Piper
  • VJB - Renovation of the Heart - Dallas Willard
  • VJB - Noa Noa - Paul Gauguin
  • VJB - The Wednesday Letters - Jason F. Wright
  • KLP - The Dark Tower I - VII (re-read)

  • VJB - Hello From Heaven - Bill and Judy Guggenhein
  • VJB - Expressionism - John Willett
  • KLP - Divorced, Beheaded, Dead

Recently Finished:
  • KLP: Under the Dome - Stephen King
  • KLP - The Lady in the Tower - Allison Weir 
  • VJB - I'm Grieving as Fast as I Can - Linda Feinberg
  • VJB - 90 Minutes In Heaven - Don Piper
  • VJB - From One Widow to Another - Miriam Neff
  • VJB - The Me I Want to Be- Becoming God's Best Version of You - John Ortberg
  • VJB - Walking in the Garden of Souls - George Anderson and Andrew Barone
  • VJB - Crazy Love - Overwhelmed by a Relentless God - Francis Chan


  1. 90 Minutes in Heaven - Don Piper
    I don't recommend this book for a recent widow. It spent very few moments speaking about the heavenly experience and the rest of the book on the author and his healing. The few moments he spent in heaven he quoted that he remembered nothing of his life or the people he left here on earth. That was most assuredly not what I wanted to here. Just saying.

  2. I'm Grieving as Fast as I can - Linda Feinberg
    This book was a quick and easy read. I think I read it in one day. It had common sense advice that I can see would be good for some but still not exactly what I needed. Sigh.

  3. From One Widow to Another - Miriam Neff
    This is the only grieving book I have found to give me any hope so far. It was written by a woman further in years than myself but the insight she gives is valuable to anyone. She helped me get a vision of the me I want to be and how I can shape my future to be anything I want it to be while keeping the memories and values shaped by my husband intact within me. I highly recommend it.

  4. The Me I Want to Be - Becoming God's Best Version of You - John Ortberg
    A life changing book. However, it left me wanting more. In response I have joined the Monvee Beta project and am reading more works by Ortberg's mentors like Dallas Willard. Can't wait to dig into him. Love that man and all he stands for. This book while good and meaningful was a bit light for me.

  5. Under the Dome - Stephen King

    823 pages of classic Stephen King - good vs. evil (and boy are there some characters that you wish you could strangle yourself!) King has a way with character development that drags you into the story and holds you there till the very end. Dale Barabara's character brings to mind Stu Redman from The Stand. And always, there's a dog - Horace the Corgi in this case.

    Set in Northern Maine, suddenly a "dome" descends on Chester's Mill maine. The story details what happens to the town people as they realize they are trapped with no hope of escape. Makes you feel sorry for zoo animals or ants under a magnifying glass.

    I couldnt put the book down!
